กิจกรรมน่าทำไม่ซ้ำใครในCentral Switzerland
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กิจกรรมน่าทำไม่ซ้ำใครในCentral Switzerland

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FlywithFlo Paragliding in Luzern/Swiss
Wir werden vom Niederbauen aus auf eine Panoramaflug (10-30 Minuten) vom nahe gelegenen Startplatz Niederbauen starten. Dabei versuchen wir den Gipfel von Niederbauen zu überhöhen. Von dort aus erschließt sich uns der Blick über den Gotthard, der Haupt Kamm der Schweizer Alpen. Je nach Windrichtung müssen oder können wir auch andere Startplätze in der Region auswählen. Wir fliegen von der Klewenalp, Brunni in Engelberg oder von der Biehlen oder der Brändlen im Engelberger Tal. An Start und Landeplätzen fehlt es hier in der Region nicht. Deswegen ist die Schweiz im vergleich zu anderen Ländern wie Deutschland ideal für Hike and Fly Touren. Man kann fast überall starten und Landen wenn es der Landbesitzer erlaubt. Grundvorraussetzung für den Start ist das der Passagier fähig ist einige Schritte zu laufen da wir für den Start beschleunigen müssen um abheben zu können. Die Landung erfolg relativ einfach indem Pilot und Passagier sich wieder aufrichten und eine Schritte laufen bevor man den Boden berührt. Nach der Landung besteht die Möglichkeit Fotos und Videos (30.-) die während dem Flug vom Piloten gemacht worden sind anzuschauen und zu erwerben Ansonsten zu beachten Paragliding ist in der Schweiz von der Versicherung nicht als Extremsport eingestuft und liegt bei der Unfallrate hinter der vom Motorrad fahren und Skifahren bei 14000 aktiven Piloten in der Schweiz. Preise für die Bergbahn oder die Anreise per Zug, Bus und Schiff sind nicht im Angebot enthalten.
Scenic Hike in William Tell's Mountains
A very easy hike off the beaten track high up in the Uri Alps. ***** Accompanied by the wonderful sound of cowbells, we will hike through meadows full of wildflowers and encounter friendly cows along the way . Gorgeous alpine scenery and vistas of the Lake Uri Bay of Lake Lucerne deep below. A fairy tale forest with rare lichen and fresh air to breathe. Local food can be sampled in one of the simple inns along the way, far away from crowds and in a safe and clean way. It's the land where I grew up full of traditions, history and centuries old structures of politics and agriculture. It will be my pleasure to tell you all about it. In front of Lucerne Station my guests board the William Tell Express Bus (Platform W at 12:08pm) and ride along the southern banks of Lake Lucerne to Altdorf, Uri (35min ride). I will meet my guests when the bus arrives in Altdorf and take them to one of this areas many small aerial gondolas, licensed for passenger transport. It will take us swiftly up to an altitude of 1800m/5400ft above sea level. From there I lead you on an easy and safe hike for 1 1/2 to 2 hours through flower meadows, a fairy tale forest and incredible lake views. At the end we will descend on one of Uri's most spectacular gondolas, with breathtaking views. And I will put guests back on the Bus to Lucerne.
Paragliding Luzern / Lucerne
- Shuttle service from Lucerne or Stans to the flight area, on request. - Equipping of the guests, clothing adapted to the season, we provide this free of charge. - Ascent to the launch site. - Preparation of the paraglider / Short and clear briefing about the start and flight procedure. - Take off, fly (during the flight we take photos and videos), land gently and safely. - Handing in the photos and videos directly to the mobile phone, price CHF 40.- - Return transport to the agreed place. Other things to note Guests who are heavier than 100 kilos, please contact the . We look forward to the flights.
Lama und Alpaka Wanderungen durch Feld und Wald
Das dürft ihr von unseren Lama- und Alpakawanderungen erwarten: Begrüssung und gegenseitiges kennenlernen von Menschen und Tieren auf dem Hof Mirgg. Vorstellung unseres Bio-Landwirtschaftsbetriebs mit der Lamazucht und der Kräuterverarbeitung. Einführung in die Welt der Andenkameliden mit wertvollen Informationen Lamas und Alpakas einfangen, anhalftern und Fell putzen Kleine Wanderung in der nahen Umgebung mit toller Aussicht Wir passen die Geschwindigkeit dem gemütlichen Tempo unserer Tiere an Kinder ab ca. 12 Jahren dürfen ein Tier führen Rückkehr zur Herde Erfrischungsgetränk für die Wanderer Begleitung durch Lama- Alpakaführer Wichtiges: Hunde und Regenschirme bleiben bitte zu Hause Geeignetes Schuhwerk und Kleidung Eine Anreise mit dem Auto (Mietauto) ist empfehlenswert. Eine Abholung und Rückführung vom Bahnhof Sarnen oder Giswil ist nach vorgängiger Zeit Absprache organisierbar. Kosten bis 4 Personen 50 Fr. (Die nächste Bushaltestelle Oberwilen Forst ist 2.5 Kilometer von unserer Farm entfernt)
Cheese and chocolate on mountain summit
Now that you are visiting Switzerland, a country of turquoise lakes, adoring cows, beautiful landscapes, strong traditions, and high mountains, it's a great opportunity to spend some time on the tasting of Swiss cheeses and chocolates with a local guide on 2 221 meters above see level (7,287 ft) surrendered by stunning views. On this trip: -First, I will welcome you with an energetic dose of information and TIPS about places worth seeing around in next days from this amazing location. -We're gonna walk up to top of Männlichen which is very beatyful and picturesque. From this point we can see many important point like: Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen Valley, Jungfraujoch, Mürren, Schiltorn and many more world famous attractions. -After burning a few calories, I would like to show you my favourite spot. Which is perfect for our SWISS CHEESE TASTING with a spectacular mountain view and possibly sunset. According to the cheese map, we will discuss the origin of the most popular Swiss cheeses. -Finally, it's time for Swiss CHOCOLATE tasting with 5 best and very different to each other kinds. The experience may be canceled due to conditions or insufficient participants.

กิจกรรมใกล้Central Switzerlandทั้งหมด

FlywithFlo Paragliding in Luzern/Swiss
Wir werden vom Niederbauen aus auf eine Panoramaflug (10-30 Minuten) vom nahe gelegenen Startplatz Niederbauen starten. Dabei versuchen wir den Gipfel von Niederbauen zu überhöhen. Von dort aus erschließt sich uns der Blick über den Gotthard, der Haupt Kamm der Schweizer Alpen. Je nach Windrichtung müssen oder können wir auch andere Startplätze in der Region auswählen. Wir fliegen von der Klewenalp, Brunni in Engelberg oder von der Biehlen oder der Brändlen im Engelberger Tal. An Start und Landeplätzen fehlt es hier in der Region nicht. Deswegen ist die Schweiz im vergleich zu anderen Ländern wie Deutschland ideal für Hike and Fly Touren. Man kann fast überall starten und Landen wenn es der Landbesitzer erlaubt. Grundvorraussetzung für den Start ist das der Passagier fähig ist einige Schritte zu laufen da wir für den Start beschleunigen müssen um abheben zu können. Die Landung erfolg relativ einfach indem Pilot und Passagier sich wieder aufrichten und eine Schritte laufen bevor man den Boden berührt. Nach der Landung besteht die Möglichkeit Fotos und Videos (30.-) die während dem Flug vom Piloten gemacht worden sind anzuschauen und zu erwerben Ansonsten zu beachten Paragliding ist in der Schweiz von der Versicherung nicht als Extremsport eingestuft und liegt bei der Unfallrate hinter der vom Motorrad fahren und Skifahren bei 14000 aktiven Piloten in der Schweiz. Preise für die Bergbahn oder die Anreise per Zug, Bus und Schiff sind nicht im Angebot enthalten.
Hike fjord-like lake, boat ride, cheese
Breathtaking views from high above the Lake Uri Bay of Lake Lucerne ***** and easy hikes to different vantage points and clifftop enchanted forests with a local guide. Views of the incredible shades of blue of the Lake deep below. A cheese tasting of the rare Alp Cheese, a local specialty and best cheese of Switzerland. Two Boat rides across the Lake, a historic funicular and the most spectacular farmer gondola you'll ever ride are included. I meet my Guests at Brunnen Station. A short boat and funicular ride will take us to the little alpine village of Seelisberg, Uri. We find ourselves on top of a 400m/12000ft sheer cliff high above the lake. The 180 degree panorama of Lake and surrounding peaks is breathtaking. Right below us is the Rütli Meadow, the sacred birthplace of Switzerland. The water has incredible shades of blue. I will answer questions on this Landscape of Tales and Traditions, History and Trade Routes, Swiss Independence and William Tell. Visit of cheese factory. Then Hike to Boat and crossing of the lake. Short hike to a simple farmer gondola for a ride up a 600m/1800ft cliff. A tiny blue cabin for 4. Feels almost like a small plane. Now we look down onto lake from higher up and and other side onto a parade of peaks. Optional 1h easy hike down to lake shores. The Experience ends in the small port town of Flüelen with easy connections back to Lucerne.
Lama und Alpaka Wanderungen durch Feld und Wald
Das dürft ihr von unseren Lama- und Alpakawanderungen erwarten: Begrüssung und gegenseitiges kennenlernen von Menschen und Tieren auf dem Hof Mirgg. Vorstellung unseres Bio-Landwirtschaftsbetriebs mit der Lamazucht und der Kräuterverarbeitung. Einführung in die Welt der Andenkameliden mit wertvollen Informationen Lamas und Alpakas einfangen, anhalftern und Fell putzen Kleine Wanderung in der nahen Umgebung mit toller Aussicht Wir passen die Geschwindigkeit dem gemütlichen Tempo unserer Tiere an Kinder ab ca. 12 Jahren dürfen ein Tier führen Rückkehr zur Herde Erfrischungsgetränk für die Wanderer Begleitung durch Lama- Alpakaführer Wichtiges: Hunde und Regenschirme bleiben bitte zu Hause Geeignetes Schuhwerk und Kleidung Eine Anreise mit dem Auto (Mietauto) ist empfehlenswert. Eine Abholung und Rückführung vom Bahnhof Sarnen oder Giswil ist nach vorgängiger Zeit Absprache organisierbar. Kosten bis 4 Personen 50 Fr. (Die nächste Bushaltestelle Oberwilen Forst ist 2.5 Kilometer von unserer Farm entfernt)
Scenic Hike in William Tell's Mountains
A very easy hike off the beaten track high up in the Uri Alps. ***** Accompanied by the wonderful sound of cowbells, we will hike through meadows full of wildflowers and encounter friendly cows along the way . Gorgeous alpine scenery and vistas of the Lake Uri Bay of Lake Lucerne deep below. A fairy tale forest with rare lichen and fresh air to breathe. Local food can be sampled in one of the simple inns along the way, far away from crowds and in a safe and clean way. It's the land where I grew up full of traditions, history and centuries old structures of politics and agriculture. It will be my pleasure to tell you all about it. In front of Lucerne Station my guests board the William Tell Express Bus (Platform W at 12:08pm) and ride along the southern banks of Lake Lucerne to Altdorf, Uri (35min ride). I will meet my guests when the bus arrives in Altdorf and take them to one of this areas many small aerial gondolas, licensed for passenger transport. It will take us swiftly up to an altitude of 1800m/5400ft above sea level. From there I lead you on an easy and safe hike for 1 1/2 to 2 hours through flower meadows, a fairy tale forest and incredible lake views. At the end we will descend on one of Uri's most spectacular gondolas, with breathtaking views. And I will put guests back on the Bus to Lucerne.
Cheese and chocolate on mountain summit
Now that you are visiting Switzerland, a country of turquoise lakes, adoring cows, beautiful landscapes, strong traditions, and high mountains, it's a great opportunity to spend some time on the tasting of Swiss cheeses and chocolates with a local guide on 2 221 meters above see level (7,287 ft) surrendered by stunning views. On this trip: -First, I will welcome you with an energetic dose of information and TIPS about places worth seeing around in next days from this amazing location. -We're gonna walk up to top of Männlichen which is very beatyful and picturesque. From this point we can see many important point like: Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen Valley, Jungfraujoch, Mürren, Schiltorn and many more world famous attractions. -After burning a few calories, I would like to show you my favourite spot. Which is perfect for our SWISS CHEESE TASTING with a spectacular mountain view and possibly sunset. According to the cheese map, we will discuss the origin of the most popular Swiss cheeses. -Finally, it's time for Swiss CHOCOLATE tasting with 5 best and very different to each other kinds. The experience may be canceled due to conditions or insufficient participants.
Lucerne Photo Walk Tour
Discover the most iconic Swiss city on a 2 hrs photography walking tour. We will visit Chapel Bridge, Lion Monument, City Wall and its 9 towers, Lucerne's Lake and River and we ascent in a lift to Lucerne Castle to capture the perfect alpine Landscape. Your Guide will assist you and give you photography tips along the tour ,if necessary, and he will show you the best vantage points to photograph different subjects and will share with you the history behind each of the landmarks around the city. We will round up our photo experience with a visit to Lucerne Castle by taking a short lift ride. The views of the city, lake and the Swiss alps is simply jaw-dropping from this place. All my experiences have a flexible starting time, just write me a message to check availability:)
Paragliding Luzern / Lucerne
- Shuttle service from Lucerne or Stans to the flight area, on request. - Equipping of the guests, clothing adapted to the season, we provide this free of charge. - Ascent to the launch site. - Preparation of the paraglider / Short and clear briefing about the start and flight procedure. - Take off, fly (during the flight we take photos and videos), land gently and safely. - Handing in the photos and videos directly to the mobile phone, price CHF 40.- - Return transport to the agreed place. Other things to note Guests who are heavier than 100 kilos, please contact the . We look forward to the flights.
Wir stellen gemeinsam einen Frischkäse her. Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die Welt der Milchmanufaktur, lernst du die einzelnen Schritte der Käseherstellung kennen. Jeder Teilnehmer stellt in seinem eigenen "Käsekessi" aus zwei Liter Kuhmilch einen Salatfrischkäse her. Nach rund einer Stunde ist dieser bereits fertig verpackt und bereit zum geniessen oder Nachhause nehmen.
Birdlike Hang Gliding
Der höchste Delta Tandemflug in der Schweiz. Von beinahe 2000m fliegst Du 20-60 Minuten wie ein Adler. Breite Deine Flügel aus! Deltafliegen ist schneller und dynamischer als Gleitschirmfliegen. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse nötig. Du brauchst lediglich beim Start 3-4 Schritte mit zu laufen und schon heben wir ab. Wir fliegen liegend, kopfvoran wie ein Vogel vom Stanserhorn auf knapp 2000m über ein atemberaubendes Panorama von blauen Seen und hoher Berge. Unsere Piloten sind Profis und haben mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung. Ob schnell und kopfüber oder gemütlich dahingleiten, unsere Piloten passen sich gerne Deinen Wünschen an. Der Flug dauert abhängig von den Verhältnissen mindestens 20 bis 60 Minuten. Wir spielen unsere ganze Erfahrung aus und fliegen mit Dir so lange wie möglich. Du bekommst von uns auf Wunsch hochauflösende Bilder und Videos von Deinem einmaligen Abenteuer. Wir fliegen vom Stanserhorn auf knapp 2000m. Wähle Deine Bekleidung auf Grund des aktuellen Wetters und Temperaturen. Einen kleinen Rucksack für das Nötigste unterwegs kannst Du gerne mitbringen. Die Talstation der Stanserhornbahn ist per Zug oder Auto von Luzern in 15 Minuten erreichbar. Die Fahrt hinauf auf das Stanserhorn mit der einzigartigen CabriO-Bahn ist ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis und dauert 25 Minuten.
Discover Lucerne with a Local
We will walk around the old town of Lucerne. We will meet at the train station. We will walk through the old town via the bridges including the chapel bridge. I will show you squares with painted buildings. We will walk on top of the city wall and enjoy the fantastic view over Lucerne from there.
Off the beaten track in Interlaken
We will start off by taking the train to the village of Wilderswil. If you are not familiar with the region, please let me know and I will help you plan your route. We will follow the hiking trail along the Saxetenbach river through the Sytiwald forest. This trail is barely frequented by the locals or tourists, so you will get to immerse yourself completely in the mystical alpine forest domain. Once through the forest, we will arrive in the secluded Saxettal valley with Saxeten village at the center of it. This village is a breath of fresh air from the tourist Meccas of Interlaken and Lauterbrunnen. If you want to properly visit the village or buy local freshly made cheese, please count a detour of 1h - 1h30. After Saxeten we will continue hiking up through the forest to Abendberg - an abandoned hotel. From there we will enjoy one of the best views of Lake Brienz before going back down to Wilderswil. This is a mountain hiking trail, so good shoes are absolutely necessary. This is a round-hike and it will end at the same point where we started. I will plan the hike in accordance with local weather forecast and adjust the itinerary if necessary. If you are feeling confident, we may also take a slightly longer trail. The length of this hike is 19.46 km (12.09 miles) with a total ascent of 1’001 m (3’284 feet).
Gemütlich um die Halbinsel mit einzigartigen E-Cargo Bikes
Discover the untouched areas of Lucerne unaffected by the tourist crowds, and see beyond the typical attractions Understand the Swiss culture from a local perspective on this fun, educational and interactive experience Pass Loop’s immigration test and secure your own Swiss passport!!! Why is it so important to be on time in Switzerland? How many languages do the Swiss speak? Are we all rich? On this cultural bike tour of Lucerne, you will discover how and why the Swiss people think and behave differently from the rest of the world. All the while, cruising in and around Lucerne on our specialized electric cargo bikes. The tour has five stops, each offering a different perspective on the fascinating traditions and stereotypes of the nation and its citizens. From the meeting point, we will ride outside of the city towards Horw, passing stunning historical buildings and continuing to an old railway track near one of the wealthiest areas of Switzerland-the not-so-touristy side of the city. As we reach Lake Lucerne, we will take a break and grab a typical Swiss snack while enjoying a magnificent view of Mount Pilatus and the stunning Swiss Alps. After enjoying the vista and taking a couple of pictures, we’ll cruise around the Horwer Peninsula along a safe street with further spots to take more photos of the impressive landscape. Other things to note One bike is for two adults. The tour is also for families with kids.
Photoshoot on Chapel Bridge and Castle
We’ll walk along Lucerne's crystal clear alpine river towards Lucerne's Castle passing and walking on the Chapel Bridge; the view of Chapel Bridge, old town, the Swiss Alps, and the city wall with its well preserved medieval towers is magnificent. As a long-time Lozärner and travel photographer, we will capture your vacation in beautiful, high-res photos. We will share insider knowledge of Lucerne City while shooting unforgettable images of you from the highest point around the city and from the most beautiful Swiss bridge. You’ll learn an interesting perspective and we’ll show you exciting angles and spots to get the best pictures with a beautiful Alpine backdrop. Please check the portfolio of this experience. ***Note: Photo sessions are subject to rescheduling and cancellations due to inclement weather. All my experiences have a flexible starting time, just write me a message to check availability:)
Ch real Experience Cheese, Chocolate, Chapel Bridge, Chateau
This unique small group tour combines sightseeing of Chapel Bridge, Water Tower, Stunning alpine views from the Castle with Swiss Chocolate and cheese tastings. It is the best way to spend a short time in one of the most beautiful cities in Switzerland. Sample some of the best sweet pleasures on a chocolate tasting and Swiss cheese. Walk along Lucerne River towards one of the most traditional cheese Deli shop to enjoy real alpine cheese paired with a glass of swiss wine, and last but not least enjoy the best alpine views from the Castle! This alpine experience is the best way to know Lucerne through its tastes, culture and people. All my experiences have a flexible starting time, just write me a message to check availability:)
Early birds tandem paragliding in Engelberg Valley
The tandem paraglider is specially built to support the weight of 2 people: the pilot and the passenger. In order to be a passenger no previous experience is needed, you don't need to be particularly fit and we don't have any age requirements. The first step is reaching to our take off. Our take off is accessible by the Buelen cable car, which is a 2 minute drive from the train station Grafenort. Once we get to the take off, it takes about 15 minutes to get ready for the take off. The tandem pilot prepares the wing, helps the passenger to gear up and gives the briefing to the passenger. In a few steps we are airborne and then you can relax and enjoy the flight. The landing is easy. We just make a few steps over the ground. Our landing is located close to our starting point, next to the cable car station. The flight time is around 10 minutes. On request we also organize special flights like: sunrise flights, hike and fly or one day cross-country paragliding. We offer photo&video service for an extra 30 CHF. Other things to note Please be aware that this is an outdoor activity. Best is if you have your own hiking boots, wind breaker trousers and jackets. If not, please wear sports attire.