กิจกรรมน่าทำไม่ซ้ำใครในProvince of Modena
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กิจกรรมน่าทำไม่ซ้ำใครในProvince of Modena

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Balsamic vinegar taste&tour in Modena
The experience takes place at "Acetaia Malagoli Daniele and B&B" in the emilian countryside between Modena and Bologna. Daniele is Sofia's dad and at the age of 22 she turned his hobby for Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena into a business. The house is based in the emilian countryside, between of Modena and Bologna. What to expect? Well, first of all a warm welcome, but also a professional explanation - surrounded by ancient barrels - on the black gold of Modena. The Malagolis are always glad to welcome tourists at their family’s Acetaia and B&B and to share their knowledge and passion with them. This is an educational experience where you'll learn a lot about the traditions of Modena, but especially on authentic products and how to recognize them. You'll learn the differences between the IGP Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and the DOP Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. They sound similar, they both are good products, but they are at the same time, different products, born for different reasons and it means that they should be also used differently. Moreover, you'll understand how to recognize them on the market. Last but not least: you can chose to come at 2:30 - as scheduled - or at 10:30 am or 4:30 pm. Chose the time that works better for you and tell it to us!
The Secrets of Parmigiano Reggiano & Balsamic Vinegar
At the arrival I will offer you cofee break, and I will give you a lab coat for the access to the production area. I’ll bring you along a complete tour to discover all the steps of Parmigiano Reggiano’s production. We’ll see where the animals are bred and where the milk is mould. We’ll go into the cheese factory during milk processing and we'll witness in cooking and making cheese wheels. We’ll see then the process of salting and maturing up to enter the huge “caveau”, where thousands of cheeses wheels are guarded and laid out in long rows in the silent maturation rooms and where the scent of cheese will smell so nice and exciting that we won’t be able to resist till the final tasting of cheese and local typical products. Other things to note if the experience is full but you arrive by car, maybe I can add availability. please contact me and check
La mia Bologna.Scuola di cucina e vino
Dopo avervi illustrato la mia attività inizieremo la fase 1 cominceremo a preparare il brodo e il ragù bolognese che useremo per condire i tortellini e le tagliatelle bolognesi. Fase 2 preparazione dell'impasto per tortellini e della sfoglia per tagliatelle e tortellini. Fase 3 degustazione di vini del territorio emiliano . Fase 4 cottura tortellini e tagliatelle, impiattamento e assaggio . Fase 5 rilascio taccuini con ricette effettuate nel corso. Altre cose da tenere a mente Lasciatevi trasportare da un vero oste Bolognese che vi farà mangiare bere e divertire nella sua amata Bologna ... Infatti parlerò in italiano / bolognese per rendere la vostra esperienza unica
Parmigiano Reggiano bike tour in Parma
Parma is bike-friendly city! The bike is the ideal means of transport to discover the ducal city with its parks, monuments, history and charm. I want suggest you an half day bike tour to enjoy my city and our typical products! We start early morning (at 8:30) or in the afternoon (at 3pm) to visit a Parmigiano Reggiano cheese factory to see all production chain, the different rooms and the huge storage with inside a lot of wheels!!! There is also a tasting of 3 different Parmigiano Reggiano ages. The cost for the tasting is not included in the experience: 8€ per person in the morning and 6€ per person in the afternoon. Free for kids under 12 years. After, we ride the bike in the countryside to see our crops and our nature! We come back in the city through a bike lane near the river and visit the city center with our bikes through its restricted traffic zones. In the afternoon the production is not seen but don't worry that I will explain everything to you in detail. Bike Food Stories I have also electric bikes
Make Your Leather Tortellino Keychain
We will meet in our workshop in the centre of Modena. During the 2 hours of activity You will learn the secret recipe to make the famous Tortellino keychain and finally bring it at home as a souvenir of Your visit to Modena. We will do what a "Rezdora" (Modena typical housewife) does to prepare a good dish of tortellini but we will do it using leather! You will go through various steps of the craft making , from cutting to manual shaping, sewing and using tools of leather craft tradition. You will experience the atmosphere and the smells of an old time leather workshop (bottega). Other things to note We plan to do this workshop on the first floor and there are stairs to reach it but on request we can do it on the ground floor. For different dates or times please contact us!


Nonantola (Campazzo) in The province of Modena,(Maranello FERRARI CAR -20 min) about half an hour in the Northwest of Bologna,(DUCATI MOTORBIKE,35 min, LAMBORGHINI CAR 10 min) is the only and exclusive area in the world where Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena (ABTM D.O.P.) is produced, a traditional Emilian cuisine made with Cooked grape must, naturally fermented and vinegarizated, nothing is added and then aged for at least twelve(12) years or Twenty five (25) and until fifty years or more. You will be immersed in a tasting experience (10 different kinds of aged vinegar) and understanding of the aging process of this Masterpiece of Italian culinary tradition. On Request IN ADVANCE (2 days at least) at the end of the visit you could taste the flavours of traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena in typical dishes(ask for Menu and cost)You could also purchase Giugiaro bottle of 100 ml of 12 or 25 years old vinegar, as a memory or gift. Other things to note The aging process requires cold temperatures in winter and hot in summer so be prepared with the appropriate equipment. Don't forget the photo/video camera.
Pranzo e Degustazione di Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale Modena
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli, una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. Proponiamo una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia, seguita da una ricca degustazione del nostro amato prodotto inserito all’interno di un vero e proprio pranzo. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli, che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico dell’ABTM D.O.P. A questo punto sarete pronti per la ricca degustazione di ABTM in abbinamento ai prodotti che hanno reso l'Emilia- Romagna famosa nel mondo. Menù: • 3 stagionature di Parmigiano Reggiano (18 mesi, 24 mesi e oltre 30 mesi) • 2 tipologie di ricotta (di mucca e di pecora) • 2 tipologie di frittata con verdure (zucchine; peperoni e cipolla) • 3 tipologie di gnocco al forno (all’olio, con formaggio e funghi, con formaggio e prosciutto) • 8 tipologie di salumi (es. Prosciutto Crudo di Parma D.O.P., Mortadella “Bologna”, salame, ciccioli, coppa, pancetta, coppa di testa, lardo) • Risotto alla parmigiana • Dolce • Caffè • Amari della casa Saluti balsamici! Mario e Giorgio
Visita in cantina e degustazione di Lambrusco
L'azienda agricola Cleto Chiarli, è una relatà nata su solide e antiche radici, riuscita in pochi anni a esprimere la migliore sintesi tra avanguardia e rispetto della tradizione vinicola emiliana. Il coronamento di una storia d'impreditoria vinicola nata nel 1860, quando il fondatore, Cleto Chiarli, avvia per primo a Modena la produzione di Lambrusco. Il servizio di accoglienza offerto dalla storica azienda CHIARLI, propone tour guidati ai vigneti, alla cantina e degustazione vini, presso la prestigiosa Tenuta Villa Cialdini a Castelvetro di Modena. La durata della visita è di un’ora e mezza circa, prevede l’osservazione dei vigneti, la spiegazione delle fasi di vinificazione e la degustazione di quattro etichette della linea d’eccellenza Cleto Chiarli Tenute Agricole, fiore all’occhiello dell’Azienda.
Visita all'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. La nostra proposta prevede una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia seguita dalla degustazione in purezza dei nostri due prodotti: Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. minimo 12 anni d'invecchiamento e Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. oltre 25 anni d'invecchiamento. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda Agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico. A questo punto sarete pronti per degustare l'ABTM in abbinamento ad 1 stagionatura di Parmigiano Reggiano, una ricotta ed un dolce della casa. (Realizzando tutto in casa, gli abbinamenti proposti potrebbero variare a seconda della disponibilità). Saluti balsamici Mario e Giorgio
Organic Winery Tour and balsamic tasting
Live a unique experience in Modena countryside and discover the secrets of Balsamic Vinegar DOP and Emillia top wines. To allow our guests to live this unique experience and to taste our wines and vinegars directly where they are produced, we opened our cellar and our vinegar cellar (“Acetaia”) for visits. Get to know how the unique flavors of our table were born, take the time for a pleasant discovery and see first-hand the most authentic fruits of the territory. Over the years several other typical varieties of the territory were also planted, such as the Trebbiano di Modena, whose grapes are necessary for the production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, in addition to Malbo Gentile, Moscato and Fiano. Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena is an renowed, exclusive and unique condiment, which stands out for its dark and shiny color, for its density, and its richness of aromas and flavors. Get ready to visit the winery with a local expert. Discover the cellar and taste delicious wines and vinegar paired with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and breadsticks.

ยอดนิยมในProvince of Modena

Bologna gastronomic experience with a local
You'll be able to experience the local way of eating and drinking in Bologna thanks to this experience. We'll take you through a gastronomic journey which will make you discover what are the hidden places that only the locals knows and that you must try! The goal is to share with you what exactly our typical day would be, the classic outing we do with our friends and family, surprising your appetite and taste buds with + 15 foods and wine tastings! We'll start with the most versatile and iconic local dishes served as a pre-aperitivo, La Tigella! Then we will move on directly purchasing and tasting cold cuts, cheeses and breads, many different types but all belonging to the Area of Bologna, always accompanied by local wine in the oldest Osteria of the City Then walking through the old town centre, we'll try two iconic homemade pasta (Tortellini and Tagliatelle) in a classical Osteria Bolognese, always paired with another local wine. We will conclude with the best gelato in town!
Explore The Secrets of Bologna
We'll start off with the cheeky secret hidden in the Fountain of Neptune! Then, I'll tell you all about the biggest church in Bologna, Saint Petronius. I'll take you to a historical, Bolognese chocolate shop on our way as well. You'll see exactly why we call Bologna "La Dotta" when I tell you about the Archiginnasio. After all that, of course we have to see The Fat part of Bologna, and we'll go through the market You can't visit Bologna without going to the Two Towers! I'll take you there and let you know the particular story that's behind its construction. After showing you some of my favorite spots, we'll go to Via delle Pescherie Vecchie, and enter into the world Bologna is famous for: food! Situated in the center, this street is filled with restaurants and markets. By now, you'll probably be hungry so I'll recommend the best Italian restaurants! Of course, we can't miss the university district as well, where we'll also head into the ex-Jewish Ghetto of Bologna. Don't forget I'll be your personal photographer as well, and I'll follow your pace the whole time! ** This is NOT a professional tour guide! It is Bologna, from my point of view!
Food markets tour in Bologna
I will bring you to the typical and local food markets. We will go shopping in the best food shops of Bologna, where usually locals go. We will taste local salumi, local cheese and home-made pasta, and local wine of course! We will go also to a special ancient indoor market, where you can buy specialities of the town to bring home! I will suggest you what to but and how to cook it. We Will also have amazing gelato! You will enjoy the special atmosphere that makes the district so special, lively and energetic while learning more about things you can’t miss when visiting Bologna. For DISCOUNT contact me also on my instagram: @my.bologna IMPORTANT: the price of the food and the drinks are not included, everyone will pay for himself, i will suggest you what to buy, to taste, and where, i will be your "food guide" ! (If you want to try all that i suggest, you will spend not more than €17/18 each person, so cheaper than a food tour with "all included"!). The tour will be different on Sundays because not all the markets will be open. Other things to note More dates and times avaible, just ask! For private groups, personalized tours, or dates not on my calendar please make a request. (my instagram: @my.bologna)
Passeggiata a cavallo tra i colli bolognesi
Si parte dall’azienda Gess Ranch, accompagnati dalla nostra Guida Equituristica e dai nostri cavalli esperti anche nel portare persone principianti. Le nostre passeggiate si articolano lungo gli innumerevoli percorsi naturalistici della zona. Le ore di passeggiata sono cumulabili, prenotando più sessioni vicine è possibile fare passeggiate di più ore. La passeggiata di 1ora è adatta a tutti e consiste in un giro attorno alle proprietà di Palazzo de’ Rossi, mentre per chi ha un po’ più di esperienza suggeriamo le 2ore per immergersi maggiormente nella natura!
Parmesan cheese & Balsamic vinegar taste and tour in Modena
Hello Guys, as many of our visitors say, this experiece is a MUST TO DO! Thanks to it we are going to discover how the real Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena & Parmigiano Reggiano cheese are made! This is an authentic opportunity to also learn how to recognize the original ones in the market! After the tour, you’ll taste the products to discover their typical flavor, colors and taste! This experiences takes place in 2 different places, which are 2 farms in the heart of the Emilian countryside, between Modena and Bologna, where you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy some of the best of our territory! You'll se the cows, the milking room, the cheese makers at work and the fashinating ageing of the king of the cheeses! At the balsamic cellar, you'll see the ancient barrels and you'll smell a magical flavor that you won't never forget! Note: if you won’t have any car, tell us as soon you book it; we will support you arranging the transfer service and its cost will be separated by the experience. IMPORTANT: The experience begins at the cheese factory - since the making of the cheese is every day early morning - and its address is Via Baracca 6/A, Castelfranco Emilia. When you arrive, enter and go to the end of the road! AGAIN, if you won't have a car, the best way to arrive is taking a train to Castelfranco Emilia. Last but not least: Comfortable clothing is recommended.

กิจกรรมใกล้Province of Modenaทั้งหมด

Balsamic vinegar taste&tour in Modena
The experience takes place at "Acetaia Malagoli Daniele and B&B" in the emilian countryside between Modena and Bologna. Daniele is Sofia's dad and at the age of 22 she turned his hobby for Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena into a business. The house is based in the emilian countryside, between of Modena and Bologna. What to expect? Well, first of all a warm welcome, but also a professional explanation - surrounded by ancient barrels - on the black gold of Modena. The Malagolis are always glad to welcome tourists at their family’s Acetaia and B&B and to share their knowledge and passion with them. This is an educational experience where you'll learn a lot about the traditions of Modena, but especially on authentic products and how to recognize them. You'll learn the differences between the IGP Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and the DOP Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. They sound similar, they both are good products, but they are at the same time, different products, born for different reasons and it means that they should be also used differently. Moreover, you'll understand how to recognize them on the market. Last but not least: you can chose to come at 2:30 - as scheduled - or at 10:30 am or 4:30 pm. Chose the time that works better for you and tell it to us!
Pranzo e Degustazione di Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale Modena
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli, una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. Proponiamo una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia, seguita da una ricca degustazione del nostro amato prodotto inserito all’interno di un vero e proprio pranzo. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli, che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico dell’ABTM D.O.P. A questo punto sarete pronti per la ricca degustazione di ABTM in abbinamento ai prodotti che hanno reso l'Emilia- Romagna famosa nel mondo. Menù: • 3 stagionature di Parmigiano Reggiano (18 mesi, 24 mesi e oltre 30 mesi) • 2 tipologie di ricotta (di mucca e di pecora) • 2 tipologie di frittata con verdure (zucchine; peperoni e cipolla) • 3 tipologie di gnocco al forno (all’olio, con formaggio e funghi, con formaggio e prosciutto) • 8 tipologie di salumi (es. Prosciutto Crudo di Parma D.O.P., Mortadella “Bologna”, salame, ciccioli, coppa, pancetta, coppa di testa, lardo) • Risotto alla parmigiana • Dolce • Caffè • Amari della casa Saluti balsamici! Mario e Giorgio
Parmesan cheese & Balsamic vinegar taste and tour in Modena
Hello Guys, as many of our visitors say, this experiece is a MUST TO DO! Thanks to it we are going to discover how the real Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena & Parmigiano Reggiano cheese are made! This is an authentic opportunity to also learn how to recognize the original ones in the market! After the tour, you’ll taste the products to discover their typical flavor, colors and taste! This experiences takes place in 2 different places, which are 2 farms in the heart of the Emilian countryside, between Modena and Bologna, where you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy some of the best of our territory! You'll se the cows, the milking room, the cheese makers at work and the fashinating ageing of the king of the cheeses! At the balsamic cellar, you'll see the ancient barrels and you'll smell a magical flavor that you won't never forget! Note: if you won’t have any car, tell us as soon you book it; we will support you arranging the transfer service and its cost will be separated by the experience. IMPORTANT: The experience begins at the cheese factory - since the making of the cheese is every day early morning - and its address is Via Baracca 6/A, Castelfranco Emilia. When you arrive, enter and go to the end of the road! AGAIN, if you won't have a car, the best way to arrive is taking a train to Castelfranco Emilia. Last but not least: Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Visita in cantina e degustazione di Lambrusco
L'azienda agricola Cleto Chiarli, è una relatà nata su solide e antiche radici, riuscita in pochi anni a esprimere la migliore sintesi tra avanguardia e rispetto della tradizione vinicola emiliana. Il coronamento di una storia d'impreditoria vinicola nata nel 1860, quando il fondatore, Cleto Chiarli, avvia per primo a Modena la produzione di Lambrusco. Il servizio di accoglienza offerto dalla storica azienda CHIARLI, propone tour guidati ai vigneti, alla cantina e degustazione vini, presso la prestigiosa Tenuta Villa Cialdini a Castelvetro di Modena. La durata della visita è di un’ora e mezza circa, prevede l’osservazione dei vigneti, la spiegazione delle fasi di vinificazione e la degustazione di quattro etichette della linea d’eccellenza Cleto Chiarli Tenute Agricole, fiore all’occhiello dell’Azienda.
Learn how to make homemade pasta easily and successfully. We will meet in Florence at our cooking school located in the historic center, in front of the Arno river. We are a team of professionals chefs, we are pleased to meet you and let you spend a nice time with us for a fun and unique lesson. We will teach the secrets how to make RAVIOLI, FETTUCCINE & TORTELLI in different shape. We will provide you with the tools useful for the preparation: kitchen gown, rolling pin and pasta cutter, eggs and flour. After the preparation, the chef will cook together the pasta with the relative's sauces. Each participant will prepare their own pasta, then we will cook it in the same pot to share it, then with the rest of the group like an Italian family. The experience lasts about 3 hours, It will also be an opportunity to socialize with other travellers and with your host in an Italian atmosphere. During the meal will be served delicious organic Tuscan wine, that we produce on our farm called "Dalle Nostre Mani”, wines produced with natural methods. If you want to drink during the lesson you can buy some bottles at our shop before the lesson. We hope that this experience can be useful to increase your culinary knowledge and make sure that you can do our secrets at your home and leaving your diners amazed! Every participant will receive english instructions.
The Secrets of Parmigiano Reggiano & Balsamic Vinegar
At the arrival I will offer you cofee break, and I will give you a lab coat for the access to the production area. I’ll bring you along a complete tour to discover all the steps of Parmigiano Reggiano’s production. We’ll see where the animals are bred and where the milk is mould. We’ll go into the cheese factory during milk processing and we'll witness in cooking and making cheese wheels. We’ll see then the process of salting and maturing up to enter the huge “caveau”, where thousands of cheeses wheels are guarded and laid out in long rows in the silent maturation rooms and where the scent of cheese will smell so nice and exciting that we won’t be able to resist till the final tasting of cheese and local typical products. Other things to note if the experience is full but you arrive by car, maybe I can add availability. please contact me and check
Discover true Balsamic Vinegar of Modena
How much do you know about Balsamic Vinegar of Modena? As I represent the 4th generation of my family business, I'd love to share all my knowledge about Balsamic with you. Our company was founded in 1891 and we are one of the most ancient producers of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. When you are about to enter our acetaia (i.e. vinegar cellar), you will be captured by the Balsamic scent and, during your tour, you will see the actual production site of such a precious and estimated product. I'll introduce my family to you, starting from the 1st generation until the 5th. I'll narrate the milestones that my family achieved across the years and I'll teach you the differences between the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena (DOP) and the Balsamic Vinegar of Modena (IGP). During the guided tour you will learn the phases of the production process of both products and you will see the wood barrels of different sizes in which the products mature and age. Have you ever seen a wood barrel from XIX century still in use? Have you ever tasted a Balsamic Vinegar aged more than 25 years? At the end of the tour, you'll taste five varieties of Balsamic Vinegar and you'll be guided for discovering all the organoleptic features of our ‘black gold’. Before going home, you could also have the chance to buy a bottle of authentic Balsamic Vinegar of Modena!
Bologna gastronomic experience with a local
You'll be able to experience the local way of eating and drinking in Bologna thanks to this experience. We'll take you through a gastronomic journey which will make you discover what are the hidden places that only the locals knows and that you must try! The goal is to share with you what exactly our typical day would be, the classic outing we do with our friends and family, surprising your appetite and taste buds with + 15 foods and wine tastings! We'll start with the most versatile and iconic local dishes served as a pre-aperitivo, La Tigella! Then we will move on directly purchasing and tasting cold cuts, cheeses and breads, many different types but all belonging to the Area of Bologna, always accompanied by local wine in the oldest Osteria of the City Then walking through the old town centre, we'll try two iconic homemade pasta (Tortellini and Tagliatelle) in a classical Osteria Bolognese, always paired with another local wine. We will conclude with the best gelato in town!
Passeggiata a cavallo tra i colli bolognesi
Si parte dall’azienda Gess Ranch, accompagnati dalla nostra Guida Equituristica e dai nostri cavalli esperti anche nel portare persone principianti. Le nostre passeggiate si articolano lungo gli innumerevoli percorsi naturalistici della zona. Le ore di passeggiata sono cumulabili, prenotando più sessioni vicine è possibile fare passeggiate di più ore. La passeggiata di 1ora è adatta a tutti e consiste in un giro attorno alle proprietà di Palazzo de’ Rossi, mentre per chi ha un po’ più di esperienza suggeriamo le 2ore per immergersi maggiormente nella natura!
Visita all'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli
Benvenuti presso l'Acetaia Gambigliani Zoccoli una fra le poche acetaie rimaste che produce SOLO ed ESCLUSIVAMENTE Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. La nostra proposta prevede una visita con spiegazione presso l’Antica Acetaia seguita dalla degustazione in purezza dei nostri due prodotti: Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. minimo 12 anni d'invecchiamento e Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. oltre 25 anni d'invecchiamento. Verrete accolti da Mario e Giorgio Gambigliani Zoccoli che vi presenteranno la storia della famiglia, dell’azienda Agricola, dell'Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena D.O.P. e le sue tecniche produttive. Proseguirete con la visita all’Acetaia presente nel sottotetto della Villa dove vi verranno svelati alcuni segreti sulla degustazione e l’uso gastronomico. A questo punto sarete pronti per degustare l'ABTM in abbinamento ad 1 stagionatura di Parmigiano Reggiano, una ricotta ed un dolce della casa. (Realizzando tutto in casa, gli abbinamenti proposti potrebbero variare a seconda della disponibilità). Saluti balsamici Mario e Giorgio
La mia Bologna.Scuola di cucina e vino
Dopo avervi illustrato la mia attività inizieremo la fase 1 cominceremo a preparare il brodo e il ragù bolognese che useremo per condire i tortellini e le tagliatelle bolognesi. Fase 2 preparazione dell'impasto per tortellini e della sfoglia per tagliatelle e tortellini. Fase 3 degustazione di vini del territorio emiliano . Fase 4 cottura tortellini e tagliatelle, impiattamento e assaggio . Fase 5 rilascio taccuini con ricette effettuate nel corso. Altre cose da tenere a mente Lasciatevi trasportare da un vero oste Bolognese che vi farà mangiare bere e divertire nella sua amata Bologna ... Infatti parlerò in italiano / bolognese per rendere la vostra esperienza unica
Bologna, Medieval town and modern vibes
Get ready for the ultimate Bologna adventure that blends culture, pub crawl, history, and more into one unforgettable experience! Join me on a journey through the vibrant streets of Bologna, where every corner holds a new surprise and every moment is filled with excitement. We’ll kick off our adventure near Bologna Centrale. As we stroll through the charming, non-touristy streets, I’ll share fascinating stories, secrets, and fun facts about Bologna. But this isn’t just an average tour - it’s an alternative way to discover the town! Along the way, we’ll make stops at some of Bologna’s authentic bars and pubs, where you can continue the journey with some drinks, break the ice, and experience the city’s true essence. The goal of this experience is to help you discover Bologna in an alternative and more engaging way, to make you feel at home, make new friends, and share knowledge! I will also share recommendations on where to eat, drink, and find other cool spots around Bologna! Students get 50% off!
Food markets tour in Bologna
I will bring you to the typical and local food markets. We will go shopping in the best food shops of Bologna, where usually locals go. We will taste local salumi, local cheese and home-made pasta, and local wine of course! We will go also to a special ancient indoor market, where you can buy specialities of the town to bring home! I will suggest you what to but and how to cook it. We Will also have amazing gelato! You will enjoy the special atmosphere that makes the district so special, lively and energetic while learning more about things you can’t miss when visiting Bologna. For DISCOUNT contact me also on my instagram: @my.bologna IMPORTANT: the price of the food and the drinks are not included, everyone will pay for himself, i will suggest you what to buy, to taste, and where, i will be your "food guide" ! (If you want to try all that i suggest, you will spend not more than €17/18 each person, so cheaper than a food tour with "all included"!). The tour will be different on Sundays because not all the markets will be open. Other things to note More dates and times avaible, just ask! For private groups, personalized tours, or dates not on my calendar please make a request. (my instagram: @my.bologna)
Parma Half Day Walking Food Tour
Experience Parma’s rich culture and fascinating history the best way possible – through its cuisine! We are parmesans who are wildly passionate about all the delicious food found around this world-famous and historical town. During this Parma Food walking tour you will discover the history, art and culture of the “Little Capital” and will experience parmesan lifestyle, visiting the places that locals love and immersing yourself in the street life. Booking this tour you will experience our passion by eating traditional Parmesan food! You will discover the secrets of the worldwide famous typical products of this area and taste them: Parmigiano Reggiano, Parma Ham, Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, Culatello of Zibello, Spalla, Salame, Lambrusco and Gelato. These are just some of the protagonists of this exciting walk! Discover Parma old town, learn how to make the perfect espresso and cappuccino, savor mouth-watering pastries, pies and homemade pasta. Once concluded the Parma Food walking tour, you will leave with a stomach full of traditional food, plus local knowledge and sightseeing tips, to enhance the pleasure of your trip that will last for a lifetime! Tasting cost is not included. We stop at 5 different eateries. Guests simply purchase which ever food samples they wish and pay for them directly. If one does all the tastings the total cost is 40-50 euro per person.
Organic Winery Tour and balsamic tasting
Live a unique experience in Modena countryside and discover the secrets of Balsamic Vinegar DOP and Emillia top wines. To allow our guests to live this unique experience and to taste our wines and vinegars directly where they are produced, we opened our cellar and our vinegar cellar (“Acetaia”) for visits. Get to know how the unique flavors of our table were born, take the time for a pleasant discovery and see first-hand the most authentic fruits of the territory. Over the years several other typical varieties of the territory were also planted, such as the Trebbiano di Modena, whose grapes are necessary for the production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, in addition to Malbo Gentile, Moscato and Fiano. Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena is an renowed, exclusive and unique condiment, which stands out for its dark and shiny color, for its density, and its richness of aromas and flavors. Get ready to visit the winery with a local expert. Discover the cellar and taste delicious wines and vinegar paired with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and breadsticks.